
<p>Iran people news, Read the latest news on Iran's society, including developments in sciences, education, universities, and students, along with stories about Iran health sector.&nbsp;</p>

  • A taxi-driver in the northern city of Rasht has stacked his vehicle with books in an effort to encourage his passengers to read while commuting in the taxi. Sahel Filsoof of Gilan Province, who…

  • It is now possible to drive in South Korea with an Iranian driving license and vice versa, according to a new MoU signed between the two countries, said Traffic Police Chief Taqi Mehri, on the…

  • Seven patients in need of lung transplant die each day due to delays in receiving the organ, said Katayoun Najafizadeh, head of the Iran Transplant Organ Procurement (Iran-TOP).

  • Autism is more common among children born via c-section, said Mohammad Taqi Joghataei, advisor to the health minister in rehabilitation services. “The developmental disorder is found to be 20%…

  • The Hepatitis B and C screening program for Afghan refugees living in four of the 15 permanent refugee camps in Iran, conducted by the Communicable Disease Management Center at the Health Ministry…

  • Construction workers have found 600 kilograms of ancient Roman coins while carrying out routine work on water pipes in southern Spain, local officials have said

    “It is a unique collection…

  • In a bid to improve the quality of tourist services on Qeshm Island, the Qeshm Investment and Development Company has several projects underway, including two “mega eco-camps” with the capacity to…

  • Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan have expressed interest in restoration and conservation of historical monuments in Iraq and Syria. They also have shown enthusiasm in conducting integrated…

  • A woman who gave birth on a Jetstar Asia flight has named the child after the airline. Saw Jet Star was 3 kilograms when he was born on the Flight 3K583 after it landed in Yangon, Myanmar, on…

  • Google is reportedly working on a new travel app that combines the best of two of the company’s mobile apps: Maps and Now, Google’s prescient personal assistant. Except Trips, as it’s apparently…

  • Allameh Tabatabaei University in Tehran is planning to launch Iran’s first hotel management school in Fereydoun-Kenar, Mazandaran Province.

    Despite hotel management courses at several…

  • There are currently 60,000 homeless addicts in the country and 30 million rials per addict ($58 million for the total) is needed to treat them “at top deaddiction centers” and prevent their…

  • Emphasizing healthy foods in your diet, not just banishing “bad” foods, may be the key to avoiding heart attack and stroke, a new study suggests.

    Researchers analyzed the eating habits of…

  • The World Health Organization’s 2016 World Immunization Week promotes vaccines as the most successful, safe and cost-effective way to stop deaths from preventable diseases. Millions of people…

  • Over the past year that ended in mid-March, 12.7% of female heads of households under the coverage of the State Welfare Organization (SWO) “were empowered and dropped from the list of welfare…

  • Austrian students will arrive in Iran for educational courses on Iranian traditional medicine at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), said Amir Hooman Kazemi, president of Traditional…

  • Vice President of Danish Red Cross Sven Bak-Jensen and Secretary General Anders Ladekarl officially became volunteer members of the Iranian Red Crescent Society, during a visit to the IRCS office…

  • Over 600 students of medical sciences universities in Tehran will provide free diabetes tests and information on the disease in 77 subway stations across the capital on Thursday, as part of the…

  • While Iran is one of the countries with abundant sunshine, however, 70% to 80% of the people suffer from vitamin D deficiency, said Abolqasem Jazayeri, nutrition advisor to the health minister.

  • Lack of adequate nurses in hospitals is hindering the provision of quality nursing care, says Mohammad Mirza Beigi, deputy director for nursing services at the Health Ministry.  “At present,…

  • Iran Cyber Police will track down and prosecute people who share images and/or videos depicting animal abuse online, according to Col. Alireza Azarderakhsh, head of the department of cybercrime…

  • Some 60 million people worldwide need assistance due to havoc wreaked by the El Nino climate phenomenon, but a shortage of funding could threaten the delivery of life-saving aid, the UN warned…

  • Advent of summer reminds most people of long vacations by the beach, but for the denizens of the Iranian capital it also means something else: whiteflies and the unending blame game some officials…

  • The mangrove forests of the Gando Protected Area in southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province are growing at a slow but steady pace.

    According to Shahram Fadakar, deputy head of the Coasts…

  • A British government plan to tackle air pollution in five major cities in the United Kingdom by 2020 will not be enough and more urgent action needs to be taken, lawmakers said on Wednesday.
