
<p>Iran people news, Read the latest news on Iran's society, including developments in sciences, education, universities, and students, along with stories about Iran health sector.&nbsp;</p>

  • The first round of a trilateral international conference on “Transfer of Knowledge among Iran, France, Germany: An Introductory Interdisciplinary Approach,” was held May 9-10 at the University of…

  • In today’s world, women’s role is essential in all human activities as seen in the increasing number of females participating in social, political, and economic activities in most countries,…

  • The bill to reduce working hours for women under “special circumstances” was passed in an open session of the Majlis on Tuesday.

    The general outlines of the bill, proposed initially by the…

  • An estimated 15% to 20% of newly-married couples have some kind of fertility problem, Mansureh Movahhedi, a board member of Tehran’s Tarbiat Modarres University said.

  • The country’s population is expected to reach 84 million by the end of the next five-year development plan (2016-2021), said Mohammad Baqer Nobakht, head of the Management and Planning…

  • Authorities in the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region on Monday were forced to limit the flow of tourist buses carrying passengers from Iran to the region following a strike by Kurdish taxi drivers…

  • The federation of Egyptian tourism agencies said on Monday it had paid $140,000 each in compensation to the families of three of eight Mexican tourists killed by mistake last year.


  • Iran’s tourism chief Masoud Soltanifar announced last week plans to subsidize travel to under-the-radar destinations in a bid to spread travel inside the country.

    While the head of Iran’s…

  • About 73 relics were returned to Iran on Monday by the United States government, the Foreign Ministry announced in a statement. The artifacts were handed over to the National Museum of Iran, Borna…

  • In a bid to attract more visitors from Arab countries, Turkey is considering establishing an “Arab village,” an idea floated by the head of the Jeddah-based Arab Tourism Organization during a…

  • As part of plans to promote the Resistance Economy, First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri has called on Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization to prioritize three areas,…

  • Advertisement by the mass media of products harmful to people’s wellbeing has been strictly banned under Article 70 of a new bill passed in the parliament last week.

    The legislature…

  • From the beginning of the next school year on September 23, anti-tobacco programs and services including medical treatment and psychological counseling will be provided to students and professors…

  • More than 1.5 million people comprising 2% of the population suffer from some form of severe disability, said Dr Hossein Nahvinezhad, deputy for rehabilitation services at the State Welfare…

  • A total of 7.5 million smart national ID cards have been issued so far and another 15 million will be issued by the end of the current fiscal year in March 2017, said Mohammad Ebrahim Tarighat,…

  • According to a study recently conducted by the Sports Ministry, the average time of conversation between parents and their children per day is hardly 25 minutes, said Mahmoud Goudarzi, Minister of…

  • Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Shahindokht Molaverdi said the government is determined to meet its objective of guaranteeing gender equality.

  • The average age in committing a crime is an index to understand the seriousness of social ills in a community, the Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare Ali Rabiee said during a…

  • Many lifesaving drugs can be dangerously toxic to the kidneys. Because there are a number of factors that change the way kidneys process drugs, it is very difficult to predict how they will affect…

  • Most of the deer which were displaced from a breeding site in Khuzestan Province following heavy flooding last month are believed to be missing but healthy.

  • Tehran Province Security Council will decide whether or not to halt activities in Tehran’s gravel pits, located in District 18 (southwest).

    According to Rahmatollah Hafezi, who chairs the…

  • To help solve the ongoing (and growing) crisis of global warming, there are constructive ideas and then there are downright insane concepts.

  • The water level in the Zayandehroud Dam reservoir has declined by 10% to 12% due to low precipitation in Chaharmahal Bakhtiari (where the Zayandehroud River originates) and Isfahan (where the dam…

  • Come September, all diesel vehicles in Tehran have to be fitted with diesel particulate filters, or DPF, according to Vahid Hosseini, head of the Tehran Air Quality Control Company.

  • A deadly fungus has wiped out entire species in Australia, Panama and Madagascar. Now, it is threatening frogs in Africa.
