As Iranian metropolises struggled with suffocating air pollution over the past few weeks, which led to extended school closures, some urban authorities have again touted the idea of a winter…
<p>Iran people news, Read the latest news on Iran's society, including developments in sciences, education, universities, and students, along with stories about Iran health sector. </p>
- People
On October 1, the 12-member Guardians Council, which vets legislation’s consistency with the constitution and Islamic laws, approved a landmark reform bill granting citizenship to children born…
PeopleThe inefficient public transportation network in the Iranian capital has been repeatedly blamed for exacerbating Tehran’s suffocating air pollution, which recently hit the emergency level. The…
PeopleData released by the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization spotlight road fatalities, showing that during the seven months to Oct. 22, over 11,000 lives have been claimed, 2.1% higher than the…
PeopleOn the occasion of the International Day of Disabled Persons observed annually on Dec. 3, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that 10 trillion rials ($76.9 million) have been allocated to…
PeopleThe Iranian government has provided Tehran Municipality with 10 trillion rials ($78.7 million) to boost urban transportation development in the megacity of Tehran. The money is to be…
PeopleTehran's urban transportation infrastructure is in dire need of expansion to meet growing demand, chairman of Tehran City Council said. Addressing urban managers on Sunday, Mohsen Hashemi…
PeopleSince the government rationed and raised the price of gasoline on Nov. 15, the public transportation fleet in Tehran has served 20% more passengers, Tehran City Council Chairman Mohsen Hashemi…
PeopleMunicipal bodies in Tabriz, the provincial capital of East Azarbaijan, say traffic congestion has significantly decreased since the so-called odd-even traffic scheme was launched in the city in…
PeopleOne more station along the eastern flank of Tehran Metro’s Line 7 is to come on stream in three weeks, CEO of Tehran Urban and Suburban Railway Company announced. Visiting the under-…
PeopleData released by the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization present a picture of road fatalities, showing that during the first half of the current Iranian year (started March 21), 9,360 lives have…
PeopleAfter prolonged debates over the deficiencies of Air Pollution Control scheme, which is currently underway in the Iranian capital, Tehran Police have urged urban managers to revise the plan.
PeopleHashtgerd Metro Station, an extension of Tehran-Karaj intercity subway’s Line 5, is to be launched in two weeks. The line currently connects Sadeqieh Square in Tehran to Golshahr in…
PeopleTehran is home to 105,758 disabled people and much needs to be done to make the Iranian capital disabled-friendly. Urban managers have launched initiatives to attain this goal. Tehran deputy…
PeopleTehran Municipality is planning to launch a 14-kilometer biking lane in the capital's District 2, connecting Fadak, Iran Zamin and Pardisan parks. According to Rasoul Keshtpour, the mayor of…
PeopleThe development of subway networks has been touted as a priority by the urban managers of Iranian megacities. However, expansion plans are crawling in Karaj and Qom.
PeopleMunicipal bodies in Iranian metropolises, from Tehran to Isfahan, are becoming more socially responsible and upgrading urban infrastructure to meet the needs of the physically-impaired community…
PeopleData released by the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization reveal 7,500 people lost their lives in road mishaps in five months ending Aug. 22. The death rate is 1% higher, compared with the…
PeopleTehran Municipality has announced that revenues earned from traffic and air pollution schemes underway in the capital city of Tehran are being spent on expanding the city's urban transportation…
PeopleApart from the huge videogame market in the country, tabletop games have also found a large fan base among Iranians in recent years. For the first time, five Iranian companies will take part in…
PeopleThe western flank of the under construction subway in Karaj, Alborz Province, going up to Hashtgerd New Town is almost complete and ready for undergoing final tests, a deputy roads minister says…
PeopleSince a new traffic scheme was launched about 100 days ago in central Tehran for curbing traffic and air pollution, urban managers have ignited debates over its weak and strong points. Proposed…
PeopleThe Bus Rapid Transit lines in the central city of Isfahan will serve people with special needs by the end of the current Iranian year (March 2020), an urban manager said.
PeopleProviding students with decent and safe transportation services has been a long-standing challenge, especially in Tehran Province, where 2.4 million students live.
PeopleA two-day classic car rally was held in Tehran on Thursday and Friday to mark the World Tourism Day, internationally observed on Sept. 27. The event was jointly organized by Semnan Province's…