
Odd-Even Traffic Scheme Declared Successful in Tabriz

Odd-Even Traffic Scheme Declared Successful in Tabriz
Odd-Even Traffic Scheme Declared Successful in Tabriz

Municipal bodies in Tabriz, the provincial capital of East Azarbaijan, say traffic congestion has significantly decreased since the so-called odd-even traffic scheme was launched in the city in late August. 
Sima Nikraftar, managing director of Transportation and Traffic Organization of Tabriz Municipality, says the nuisance of traffic jam in the central part of the city has been alleviated by 43% since the traffic scheme was launched, the Persian economic daily Donya-e-Eqtesad reported. 
Nikraftar emphasized the prominent role of promoting public culture and raising awareness about the successful implementation of the scheme. 
"People observed the scheme’s rules even on holidays when no restriction was applied on commutations," she said, adding that the annoying traffic congestion was a serious public concern. 


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