
Hashtgerd-Tehran Metro to Undergo Trials

An under-construction subway line will connect Hashtgerd in western Karaj to the already operating Tehran Metro’s Line 5
Hashtgerd-Tehran Metro to Undergo Trials
Hashtgerd-Tehran Metro to Undergo Trials

The western flank of the under construction subway in Karaj, Alborz Province, going up to Hashtgerd New Town is almost complete and ready for undergoing final tests, a deputy roads minister says.
Habibollah Taherkhani added that the line will start offering services as soon as trials are conducted, equipment are examined and all deficiencies are removed successfully, ISNA reported.
"Last month, power and signaling systems were connected and fences and other equipment were installed at Hashtgerd Station," he said. 
Taherkhani promised Hashtgerd residents that they will be able to commute via metro in the coming weeks.
Hashtgerd is located 25 kilometers west of Golshahr Metro Station in Karaj, the last station of Tehran Metro’s Line 5. 


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