Water Crisis in Iran

  • Tehran Groundwater Resources in Bad Shape
    Recent rainfall has by no means eased Tehran’s water crisis that has been a source of serious concern for years, managing director of Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company said. “Water...
  • Iran Dams Half Full
    Since the beginning of the current water year (September 23) up until November 22, more than 42 millimeters of rainfall was registered across Iran, a 23% increase compared to the average in the...
  • Climate Change Adding to Iran’s Worsening Water Woes
    Iran’s water deficit is about 130 billion cubic meters. In the best case scenario and even with higher rainfall this year, this huge shortage cannot be fixed. Thus, reducing consumption is a must,...
  • Hamedan Continues to Seal Illegal Water Wells
    One anxiety in water management in Iran is the pattern of dwindling groundwater resources, and a key step taken in this regard is the unending fight against unauthorized water wells.  The managing...
  • Shifting to Unconventional Water Resources a Compulsion for Bushehr
    Despite the visible reduction in per capita water consumption in southern Bushehr Province, the region is still struggling with severe water shortages, head of water quality department in Bushehr...
  • Cloud Seeding to Help Ease Water Crisis
    Despite higher precipitation in October, which was 33% more compared to last year same time, average rainfall was lower than the global average. However, rainfall can be increased by cloud seeding...
  • Recycled Wastewater for Varamin Farms and Industries
    An estimated 91 million cubic meters of wastewater was transferred from the South Tehran Wastewater Treatment Complex to farms in the Varamin Plain 40km southeast of the capital in the past six...
  • 26m Face Water Shortage
    The temporary rise in water levels behind dams cannot guarantee the sustainable supply of potable water in the long term unless water management and related issues gets top priority. Precipitation...
  • Pushing to the Brink
    As access to water becomes a herculean task in countries big and small, an increasing number of regions worldwide are facing a looming crisis that has become a serious cause of concern threatening...
  • Second Wastewater Treatment Plant for Shiraz
    Wastewater Treatment Plant Number 2 in Shiraz, Fars Province, will start operation in December, managing director of Shiraz Water and Wastewater Company said. “With a capacity to treat 100,000...
  • 10% Decline in Precipitation
    Since the beginning of the current water year (September 23) precipitation has declined 10% compared to last year. Average rainfall in the 31 provinces was 6 millimeters in the period. Five...
  • Renewed Opposition to Inter-Basin Water Transfer
    Despite the fact that inter-basin transfer of water to far-flung locations has long been seriously challenged in most countries, some policymakers in Iran persist in implementing the costly but...
  • ECO Bank Funds Birjand Wastewater Plant
    Wastewater treatment and use of recycled water in the agricultural and industrial sectors can help tackle the worsening water crisis in drought-stricken South Khorasan Province, head of the...
  • Groundwater Reserves Depleting Rapidly in Zanjan
    Deep water wells in Zanjan Province are dragging the region into trouble of the kind that the region may soon be unable to supply enough water to farmers.    Due to years of declining...
  • Yazd Resorting to Smart Systems to Save Water
    Projects to decrease groundwater extraction in Yazd Province have helped reduce the rate of depletion of groundwater in plains and aquifers. An average one billion cubic meters of water is...
  • Can Water Markets Help?
    Managing limited resources of water has long been a challenge not only to water users but also policymakers in most countries. Iran is no exception. Geological studies in Iran show that shortages...
  • Tehran’s New Challenge: Land Subsidence
    The earth sinks in some plains in Tehran Province by about 0.5 to 1 millimeter every day, and conditions are more critical in Shahriar and Varamin counties in southwest and south Tehran, managing...
  • Iran Water Industry Counting the Cost of Sanctions
    Economic sanctions imposed by the US against Iran has hurt the water and wastewater industry, similar to many other sectors, participants in this year's International Water and Wastewater...
  • Almost Out of Water
    Research conducted by Yazd University for the Majlis Research Center shows that climate change will convert semi-arid regions in the central plateau to arid zones and water shortages in both areas...
  • Roadmap for Coping With Water Scarcity in South Khorasan Region
    A regional framework for action on coping with water scarcity has been prepared and will be piloted in South Khorasan Province, deputy governor of the northeastern province said. "The roadmap will...
  • Efficient Water Management Is Key to Alleviating Rural Poverty
    Efficient management of groundwater resources in the border regions is crucial to curb water shortages and stop (possibly reverse) rural-urban migration that has become a cause of concern among...
  • Isfahan Tapping Into Greywater
    To reduce demand for fresh water in Isfahan Province, an agreement was signed by the provincial Water Company and the provincial Engineering Council to build infrastructure for greywater treatment...
  • Tehran Wastewater Infrastructure Needs 5 More Years
    Expansion of Tehran’s wastewater network has registered 76% progress and is expected to be completed in five years, managing director of Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company said. “The...
  • Caspian-Semnan Water Project Divisive
    With almost 500 million cubic meters of water wasted in the industrial and farming sectors in Semnan Province, a plan to transfer water from the Caspian Sea in the north to the arid region would...
  • Iran: New Strategies Needed to Reduce Water Use
    Rewriting rules on how much water can or should be allowed to different sectors can help reduce use and underpin security for consumers and the environment in the coming decades, says the managing...

