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26m Face Water Shortage

The temporary rise in water levels behind dams cannot guarantee the sustainable supply of potable water in the long term unless water management and related issues gets top priority.

Precipitation in the last few days raised water levels in dams by 39%, surpassing 26 billion cubic meters, ISNA reported.

Based on Energy Ministry data, some 233 cities and small towns are on the verge of water tension. The crisis stems from a variety of factors, not the least being ageing and insufficient water infrastructure to conflicts with neighboring states.

Analysts say poor management and excessive consumption (especially farming) have exacerbated water tension in the country of 82 million.

In September, close to 29 million people were struggling with varying degrees of water scarcity and related challenges that have gotten worse over time. 

Thanks to precipitation in the last few days that raised water flowing into dams by 87%. The water-distressed population (29 million) has decreased to 26 million (about a third of the total population). However, there is no guarantee that the divine blessing (rainfall) will continue.

The ministry’s data show that water consumption in urban and suburban areas rose by 1% and 0.7% respectively between August and September.

Iran has faced drought for more than 15 years through declining rainfall, rising temperatures and ineffective farming practices. Excessive consumption in cities as well as poor management have also been linked to the widespread shortages.

Energy officials estimate Iran’s omnipresent water deficit at about 5.7 billion cubic meters a year.

While some officials hold neighboring countries responsible for Iran’s environmental problems, mismanagement is also to blame as environmental problems (namely water scarcity and air pollution) do not seem to be a priority for the administration.

Independent experts and academia have repeatedly warned that Iran’s growing water shortage and other environmental challenges (including sandstorm in the southeast) are expected to reach beyond crisis point sooner rather than later.

Water scarcity has not only triggered sociopolitical problems in the country but has also caused tension between Iran and its neighbors. 



Transboundary Waters

Iran and Turkey have stepped up competition for the control of transboundary waters -- shared aquifers, lakes and river basins. 

It has been a long time that Turkey, without any agreement with Iran, has embarked on dam construction on rivers carrying transboundary waters, leading to a meaningful reduction of water level not only in Houralazim Wetlands but also in Arvand River, both ed in southwestern Khuzestan Province. 

Moreover, Tehran and Kabul have publicly sparred over water issues recently as Iran has castigated Afghanistan for building hydroelectric dams that reduces the flow of Helmand River water into Iran’s thirsty eastern regions.

Globally, by 2050, roughly 6.4 billion people will live in cities, and demand for water will have increased by 55%. Cities are rapidly expanding and water resources are under increasing pressure. 

Officials need to find ways to do more with less, while ensuring that cities are resilient to floods, droughts and the challenges of growing water scarcity. Transitioning cities to address these challenges has never been more urgent.