
Iran travel news, Want to know more about Iran's travel and tourism industry? Check the latest news on Iran hotels, airports, destinations

  • The provincial head of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO), Jalil Jabari, announced East Azarbaijan’s plans for the World Tourism Day. The province will host the event…

  • In the first five months of the current Iranian year (started March 21), Fars Province experienced a 235%  rise in foreign tourists compared with the same period last year, the provincial…

  • The Slow Movement advocates a cultural shift toward slowing down life’s pace. It began with Carlo Petrini’s protest against the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in…

  • Oman Air, the flagship carrier of the Sultanate of Oman, plans to add flights to new destinations in Iran in the near future, according to Iranian ambassador to Muscat, Ali Akbar Sibeveih.

  • The Lion-and-bull is one of the oldest mythological symbols in the world, possibly as old as the great goddess motif of the Stone Age. It can be found in numerous cultures in a clear line of…

  • Gilan Province witnessed a rise in tourist nights this summer, CHN reported on Tuesday.

    In summer 2014, the number of overnight stays reached 18.09 million, a 8.49% increase compared with…

  • There is a palpable concern amongst vegetarians wishing to travel to Iran regarding limitations in meat-free options along the tourist trail. Although Iran is not generally known for its love of…

  • Travelers to Mashhad should beware of the nameless lodgings around Imam Reza (A.S.) site. With no proper security and hygienic condition, these residential houses - turned to ‘hotels’ over night…

  • On September 27, World Tourism Day, museums and palace/museums of the country will receive visitors free of charge, Cultural Heritage Organization portal reported, quoting Masud Soltanifar head of…

  • Caravanserai is a priceless heritage of Iran’s architecture established in ancient times for several economic, military, geographical, and religious reasons. It has been developed and transformed…

  • Once every two years in Spain, a few thousand men, women, and even children climb on each other’s shoulders to create the tallest and the strongest human tower in the history of mankind.

  • A double-decker Airbus A380, a wide-body jet airliner will land for the first time in Tehran on September 30, CHN reported. The giant plane belongs to the Emirates Airline which is evaluating…

  • From September 27 to October 4, hotels affiliated to Iran Touring & Tourism Company (ITTIC), will grant 50% discount to their lodgers, CHTN reported, quoting managing director of the company…

  • Gonbad-e Qabus (the tower of Qabus) mausoleum tomb tower is located near the ruins of the ancient city of Jorjan in Golestan Province, north-east of Iran.    

  • The World Tourism Day is globally held on September 27 every year.  Bellow, Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), comments on the occasion.

  • Tehran, the country’s capital is described by an Iranian historian, as a city “with a long history and a short memory.”  Today’s sprawling metropolis has a patchy past with many false…

  • The value of suitcase trade in spring increased by 9.68% as compared to last year, IRNA reported. Astara Customs with $7.11 million, comprising 27.81% of suitcase trade ranked first, while Jolfa…

  • According to portal of Iranian Student’s Tourism & Traveling Agency (ISTTA), the seventh round of desert trekking and desert study by students will be organized in desert of Mesr, Isfahan…

  • The Persian garden or Pairidaeza (a hostile paradise), was filled with exotic plants and animals. It had watercourses round the perimeter, as well as within to divide the garden into…

  • Vice-President and Chairman of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Masoud Soltanifar said registration of Zurkhaneh Sports with UNESCO “has created greater…

  • Archaeologists from Tehran University are exploring the monument of Bazeh Hur, 60 km from Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Mehr News reported. They are probing the site, located south of Robat…

  • Nature lovers will clean the country’s caves on the occasion of the “Clean Cave Day” on September 26.

    September 24 every year is called “Clean Cave Day” by the Association of Iranian cavers…

  • In the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 21), 5.6 million individuals entered the country, 179,080 more than the ones departing.

  • International tourist arrivals grew by 4.6% in the first half of 2014 according to the latest World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Destinations worldwide received some 517 million international…

  • Some 2,000 sq meters of Shadiakh archaeological site in Khorasan Razavi Province, will be sheltered under canopies, CHTN reported, quoting public relations office of the provincial…
