On the eastern flank of Tehran subway's unfinished Line 6, Imam Hussein (PBUH) junction station was inaugurated on Saturday. Tehran Mayor Pirouz Hanachi inaugurated the station, saying the move…
<p>Iran people news, Read the latest news on Iran's society, including developments in sciences, education, universities, and students, along with stories about Iran health sector. </p>
- People
A passenger train derailed near Zahedan in southwest Iran on Wednesday, killing four people and injuring at least 35 others, the Health Ministry's website reported. All the injured…
PeopleMajor Iranian metropolises are making efforts to boost public transport services by expanding bus and taxi fleets and investing in subway projects. In Tehran, following Tehran Taxi Organization…
PeopleOn the occasion of the world car-free days, municipalities in Iran are holding nationwide events from Sept. 20-22 to underscore the necessity of protecting the environment and promoting the…
PeopleProviding people with decent public transportation services is of high importance for cities worldwide and there is much room for improvement in Iran. The initiatives of urban managers of…
PeopleTo tackle traffic congestion in major Iranian cities before the new school year (starting Sept. 23), Iran Traffic Police has proposed changes to work schedule during early autumn. General…
PeopleData released by the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization reveal that over 5,800 people lost their lives in road accidents in four months ending July 22. The rate has remained unchanged…
PeopleIn an ambitious initiative to provide Tehran’s residents with extensive and decent transportation services, four new lines have been designed for expanding the capital city’s subway network.
PeopleProviding people with decent public transportation services is of high importance for cities worldwide and there is much room for improvement in Iran, a senior urban manager says.
PeopleTehran Mayor Pirouz Hanachi flew to Vienna, Austria, on Tuesday to participate in Bridge for Cities 4.0, a two-day event jointly organized by UNIDO and Finance Center for South-South Cooperation…
PeopleUrban managers of Qom say that in the next Iranian year (starting March 20, 2020) the holy city’s subway network will partially become operational. Speaking to Borna News, Qom Mayor Seyyed…
PeopleAfter the official launch of two new stations in Tehran Metro’s Line 7 early this week, urban managers assured the citizens of swift progress in the expansion of Tehran subway network. Speaking…
PeopleA plan modeled after Tehran's "odd-even" scheme has been launched by the municipality of Tabriz, the capital city of East Azarbaijan Province, to curb traffic congestion.
PeopleFrom adding new vehicles to the public bus fleet to purchasing new wagons for the subway, urban managers across Iran are taking measures for tackling air pollution and facilitating the daily…
PeopleTwo more stations along the eastern flank of Tehran Metro’s Line 7 came on stream on Wednesday, CEO of Tehran Urban and Suburban Railway Company announced. Ali Emam added that Basij and…
PeopleThe number of internal migrants in Iran stood at 711,154 in the last Iranian year (ended March 20, 2019), of whom 588,312 moved from an urban area to another and 122,841 were rural-rural…
PeopleIran University of Medical Sciences hosted an international event, called Technology, Health and Life (aka THL) this week, to boost digital health development. Held on Sunday, the daylong event…
PeopleTehran Bus Company is to induct 100 new buses within two months to renew the city’s aging public transportation fleet. Peiman Sanandaji, the head of Tehran Bus Company, said based on a recent…
PeopleAs part of a collaboration between the education and ICT ministries to promote smart technologies in schools across the country, 34 tent schools in deprived areas have been upgraded and…
PeopleFrom offering cheap loans for replacing old taxis to launching new subway lines and introducing eco-friendly modes of transportation, municipalities throughout Iran are implementing measures for…
PeopleIran’s push to establish a smart electronic healthcare system is on the cusp of bearing fruit, the health minister said. Saeid Namaki added that only a few security glitches in the system need…
PeopleA number of classic cars will participate in a rally in Tehran on Wednesday, the Touring and Automobile Club of Iran announced. “As many as 60 Iranian and foreign vintage vehicles will attend…
PeopleFour-wheel motorcycles will be added to Tehran's fire extinguishing equipment within the next three months, Tehran Fire Department announced. According to Mehdi Davari, the department's…
PeopleThe western flank of Line 2 of the urban subway system in the shrine city of Mashhad in the northeastern Khorasan Razavi Province was launched late last week to further expand the already…
PeopleIn order to expedite the processing of applications, increase transparency and curb paper use, Iranian schools are to record the documents of all primary school students electronically. As of…