Posterity will judge the outgoing president of the United States who lost his job on Saturday because of the immense harm he inflicted on his own people, not to mention the overwhelming majority…
- Amin-Sabooni
One issue that is of serious concern to informed minds is if the corona virus hangs around for another six to eight months what will become of state and government institutions all over the…
Amin-SabooniTruth be told, most big companies, banks, state and government organizations are prone to corruption, mismanagement, larceny, fraud and waste. But a time comes when some no-nonsense folks…
Amin-SabooniDeparture tax is a permanent fixture in many parts of the world for people travelling abroad. In some countries, both citizens and foreigners have to pay before moving out by air, sea or land.…
Amin-SabooniSincere stakeholders, in the anti-FATF camp in Tehran, say now is not the time to embrace the Financial Action Task Force rules. Their argument is premised on the reality that the country is…
Amin-SabooniPolicies, prospects, priorities and perceptions so imperfectly explained in the 2020-21 fiscal budget President Hassan Rouhani presented on Sunday are yet another reminder of the truth that the…
Amin-SabooniFriend and foe have been trying hard to figure out what happened and why in the eight days after the government decided to cut fuel subsidies, sending gasoline prices to levels unseen in Iran…
Amin-SabooniTransparency in the bloated banks and their balance sheets, fiscal discipline and replacing outdated policies are among uncompromising measures long awaited by the friends of this country and…
Amin-SabooniOne thing is all but certain. The status quo of banks, with their rigid structures and unyielding strategies, is not sustainable.
Amin-SabooniJune 23, 2016 will go down in the history of the United Kingdom as the day when decades of deep distortions, divisions and differences in and among its people were laid barefor the world to see.…
Amin-SabooniAs we navigate the post-sanctions landscape the one sticky word that will keep dominating the new narrative, for better or worse, is oil. Long before the international sanctions were lifted on…
Amin-SabooniLet’s call a spade a spade and move on – this time by taking a closer look at some critical numbers with which the government has to make do.
Amin-SabooniOver the past eight weeks a stop in Tehran has become de rigueur for international business and industry stakeholders along with the energy multinationals, especially from Europe, and for obvious…
Amin-SabooniWhat should and should not be read into last week’s ‘historic deal’ between Iran and the six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear energy program has been recited chapter and verse by politicians and…
Amin-SabooniEven before the panic and pandemonium was crafted over the "concerns" of Persian Gulf Arab dynasties terrified about President Barak Obama wanting to normalize ties with Iran after a final nuclear…
Amin-SabooniRobust diplomacy and profound technical skill will be put to a test of epic proportions in the coming ten weeks as Iran and the so-called P5+1 meet to work out the minute details of the Joint…
Amin-SabooniOn Tuesday the US Congress had a guest. The prime minster of the occupying power in Palestine, Benjamin Netanyahu unleashed his mounting desperation and usual diatribe against Iran and its nuclear…
Amin-SabooniDespair, disarray and dismay are but a few polite terms one can borrow to define the unprecedented debacle visiting the Obama White House over the past several weeks. How else could politicians…
Amin-SabooniThis weekend was a bit different for economic Iran and the obstreperous free-marketeers long waiting to detect new signs of fatigue in and strong opposition to centralized economies.
Amin-SabooniThirteen years and a disastrous war later, the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Alliance finally ended its war in Afghanistan on Sunday. In 2011 the 50-nation military alliance had 130,000 troops in…
Amin-SabooniThose relying on oil revenues are in for a rude awakening since summer. The international price of crude has tumbled more than 35 percent since June and there is simply nothing to indicate that…
Amin-SabooniIn countries where rule of law is king, the elite are the most responsible for their actions or the lack of it. Translation: authority and responsibility go together and nobody is above the law.…
Amin-SabooniLast autumn it was inconceivable for some of the most optimistic international observers that senior officials from Iran and the United States would be in the same room, leave alone discuss…
Amin-SabooniLeaving politics, for now, to political scientists, it is in the interest of rulers and the ruled to look closely at what is unfolding on the economic landscape with a direct bearing on the lives…
Amin-SabooniThe need for a professional and privately-owned English language newspaper in Iran was conspicuous by its absence. It became all the more apparent over the past year when the economic world and…