Posterity will judge the outgoing president of the United States who lost his job on Saturday because of the immense harm he inflicted on his own people, not to mention the overwhelming majority of nations and governments that opposed his signature issue of blatant lies.
Donald Trump resorted to every trick in the book to renew his contract but the majority of the US electorate said NO. Arrogance, ignorance, incompetence, bigotry, lies and corruption eventually uninstalled Trump aka as the ‘I, me, myself’ megalomaniac forever divorced from decency, dignity and reality.
For four years he never missed an opportunity for failure and was preoccupied with sacrificing the interest of hardworking Americans on the altar of personal profit.
And mind you, Trump is not a newcomer to the ugliness of lying and trying to get away with it. In 1998 he said this to the People magazine in an interview:
“If I were to run [for president] I’d run as a Republican. They are the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe everything on Fox News. I’d lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.” That was then and this is now.
In July of this year, fact checkers in the international media reported that Trump had “made 20,000 false or misleading claims” while bragging about his utopian popularity and successes that actually never existed.
Three months and a failed electoral battle later, one can only imagine how many more times the self-proclaimed “stable genius” so full of himself lied to his people and to world public opinion.
There was very little, if anything, that the former reality show host and real estate developer did not lie about during the four years of his beleaguered presidency. The most horrible was his shocking lies about the scale and scope of the coronavirus pandemic (50,303,629 infected cases and 1,256,910 deaths).
Just last week when Americans headed to the polls as Covid-19 cut off more than 243,269 innocent lives and infected 10,185,012 others in the US (until Nov. 8), the Twitter president brazenly lied about it.
He claimed that the US was “rounding the corner” and later added that the coronavirus “deaths [were] way down.
About the economy, the “fake news” president never hesitated to falsely claim that everything was perfect under his watch and jobs, wages, growth plus other key economic indicators were at their best since records were kept.
Just to do some numbers about employment. In July again news outlets reported that “no president since Herbert Hoover presided over a net job loss” as Trump’s Covid-19 economy “lost 15 million jobs” from February to July.
However, some economic gains were reported at irregular intervals during his tenure that were dismantled thanks to his illusions, wishful thinking, reckless foreign policy and imprudent tariff wars with China, the EU and other allies.
For the sake of brevity we cannot list all the pain, misery and hopelessness Trump and company created for their people and for other countries.
The deadly virus was grossly mishandled by Trump and his embattled inner circle wrangling over almost every subject related to the people’s medical needs, security and economic wellbeing.
Add to this his persistent fairytales about presiding over the “best economy in US history” and other nonsense regarding race, housing, trade, immigration, taxes, fiscal and foreign policy of, and healthcare for, the nation of 330 million people.
Insofar as the openly racist president and his coterie are concerned, power, wealth, force and falsehood are cardinal values that they unabashedly used to bend or break opponents at home and abroad.
Between one fiction and the next the White House belittled the American people, in particular Trump’s ardent supporters, who (to borrow from the Covid rulebook) had only one pre-existing condition: they invested their trust in a conman whose grandfather, Frederick Trump, was a drug dealer who made a fortune running a brothel and opium den.