
MAPNA Ready to Implement Mansouri Oilfield Project

MAPNA Group has conducted technical studies on several hydrocarbon reservoirs and submitted proposals for their development
MAPNA is involved in a wide gamut of projects in the upstream and downstream petroleum sectors.
MAPNA is involved in a wide gamut of projects in the upstream and downstream petroleum sectors.
Plans call for lifting Mansouri Oilfield's output from the present 60,000 bpd

Iran's top engineering and energy enterprise MAPNA Group is ready to embark on the development of Mansouri Oilfield, a reservoir of 3.3 billion barrels of crude south of Iran, in case Indonesia's Pertamina quits the project. 
Abbas Aliabadi, MAPNA's chief executive officer, made the statement in an interview with ILNA on Monday.
"MAPNA and Pertamina jointly carried out preliminary studies on the field … Although the deal is ready for implementation, the Indonesian company left the project due to the US withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal," Aliabadi said.
"We are ready to commence the project and if Pertamina returns, we can continue the task together," he added, noting that the proposal currently awaits the Oil Ministry's confirmation.


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