Business And Markets

Forex and Gold Firm in Tehran Market

Forex and Gold Firm in Tehran Market
Forex and Gold Firm in Tehran Market

Major currencies resumed their climb against the rial at the start of trading week on Saturday after being in check for a few sessions largely due to the intervention of the Central Bank of Iran. 
The dollar closed at 232,000 rials in Tehran’s open market, rising more than 13,000 rials, or 6%, compared to the previous session.    
The greenback lost 18% during the past week after reaching an all-time high of 260,000 rials last Saturday.   
Likewise, the euro climbed to 268,000 rials, up 12,000 rials, and the UAE dirham was tagged at 62,950 rials, 4,000 rials higher than Thursday’s close. 


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