Tehran Municipality plans to renovate 15,000 decrepit taxis in the current fiscal year (ending March 2022) in coordination with the Plan and Budget Organization. According to Manaf Hashemi,…
<p>Iran people news, Read the latest news on Iran's society, including developments in sciences, education, universities, and students, along with stories about Iran health sector. </p>
- People
The first phase of Tehran Metro’s Line 10, which runs across the western part of the capital city, needs 97 trillion rials ($429.2 million), the CEO of Tehran Metro Company said.
PeopleAlthough US sanctions hampered Iran’s subway development plans, Tehran’s urban managers tapped into local potentials to accelerate its subway network expansion. The sanctions disrupted…
PeopleChina plans to invest in Iran’s subway development plans as per the 25-year cooperation deal recently signed between the two countries. Tehran Mayor Pirouz Hanachi said China is to help Iran…
PeopleThe state-backed Iran National Innovation Fund plans to lend 600 billion rials ($2.4 million) to local tech and knowledge-based businesses to accelerate the indigenization of subway trains and…
PeopleFollowing the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Iran in February 2020, Tehran’s public transportation system has incurred an additional monthly expense of over 1 trillion rials ($3.97 million…
PeopleIn line with the country’s policy of promoting eco-friendly public transportation, metropolises such as Tabriz and Isfahan are expanding subway connectivity.
PeopleTehran Municipality’s foot-dragging has delayed the expansion of electric motorcycles in the metropolis, a deputy interior minister said.
PeopleSeven stations in Tehran’s subway network will become operational next month, the head of Tehran Metro Company said. Visiting subway construction sites on Saturday, Ali Emam added that after…
PeopleThe scheme to streamline Iran’s public transportation will be launched soon, based on a deal to overhaul age-old buses and taxis in metropolises, a deputy interior minister said.
PeopleTehran’s transportation fleet requires 7,000 new high-quality buses to deliver adequate mobility services to the public, the head of Tehran Bus Company said. Mahmoud Tarfa added that 50% of the…
PeopleThe Iranian government has paid loans worth 28.9 trillion rials ($120 million) to transportation companies hurt by the coronavirus as of Jan. 19, an official with the Ministry of Roads and Urban…
PeopleIran’s Vice President for Science and Technology has launched a joint initiative with the University of Tehran for converting diesel- and gas-powered buses currently operating in the capital…
PeopleTehran’s subway network requires 20 trillion rials ($88.49 million) to launch 10 stations in three lines, the CEO of Tehran Metro Company said. Ali Emam added that the construction of these…
PeopleThe National Coronavirus Headquarters is planning a deal to exchange oil for new buses to streamline the ramshackle public transportation network by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20…
PeopleIran’s road accident death count has declined by 14% in the eight months ending Nov. 20, as Covid-19 has curbed road travels.
PeopleSince the Iranian outbreak of coronavirus pandemic in February, the country’s taxi fleet has incurred a heavy loss of 8.26 trillion rials ($32.11 million), a deputy head of Iran Taxi Union…
PeopleThe subway system in Karaj, the provincial center of Alborz Province, will start partial operation in six months, the chief of Tehran City Council said. Mohsen Hashemi added that 90% of the…
PeopleUrban managers are rushing ahead with plans to push the development of subway lines of Shiraz and the Iranian capital Tehran, to improve mobility options and curb air pollution. In Shiraz, the…
PeopleReplacing carbureted two-wheelers with electric motorcycles is one of the initiatives pursued by Iranian urban managers, as providing eco-friendly and efficient transportation has become a real…
PeopleTehran Bus Company and the Industries Ministry have reached an agreement to restore 1,000 dilapidated urban buses under a long-term scheme. Mahmoud Tarfa, the head of TBC, told reporters that…
PeopleIn the next fiscal year (starting March 2021), Tehran Municipality will receive 17.5 trillion rials ($67.3 million) for streamlining the metropolis’s public transportation, almost half the…
PeopleOver a third of wagons in Tehran’s subway system needs to be overhauled, otherwise their technical faults might disrupt operations sooner or later, an official with Tehran Municipality said.…
PeopleA rising number of citizens in Iranian metropolises are switching to cycling as a clean, healthy and safe means of transportation, especially since the coronavirus outbreak in Iran in February…
PeopleThe expansion of the Iranian capital city’s subway network is a challenging task for urban managers, who are struggling to secure financial resources to accomplish the same.