
Tehran Public Transport Gets a Shot in the Arm

Tehran Bus Company and the Industries Ministry have signed a deal to restore 1,000 dilapidated urban buses. The complete restoration of each single-deck bus requires 4 billion rials ($15,200) and that of a double-deck bus costs 7 billion rials ($26,700)
Tehran Public Transport Gets a Shot in the Arm
Tehran Public Transport Gets a Shot in the Arm

Tehran Bus Company and the Industries Ministry have reached an agreement to restore 1,000 dilapidated urban buses under a long-term scheme.
Mahmoud Tarfa, the head of TBC, told reporters that the plan, which initially targets 100 privately-owned buses in the capital, will be implemented as soon as the financial details are determined.
Underlining the cost of the plan, Tarfa said the complete restoration of each single-deck bus requires 4 billion rials ($15,200) and that of a double-deck bus costs 7 billion rials ($26,700).
The scheme also envisages the restoration of an additional 1,000 buses in other Iranian metropolises, he added.
Stressing that only 40 buses were overhauled during the last Iranian year (ended March 19, 2020), the official noted that to compensate for the slow pace of restoration plans and the sluggish addition of new vehicles to the transportation fleet, TBC is making a complementary effort.


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