Saudi Aramco began reducing oil production earlier this week ahead of the May 1 start date for OPEC+ output cuts, according to a Saudi industry official familiar with the matter.
iran energy news, Read the latest news about Iran’s oil and gas sector, renewable energy, electricity, water, and drilling industries.
Mega structures being developed by the Caspian Sea littoral states (Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan) on the tributaries of the sea will substantially decrease water inflow…
Total losses from a structured crude oil product marketed to retail investors by the Bank of China could be more than ($1.27 billion), the Caixin financial news outlet reported on Sunday, citing…
Researchers in tech firms and knowledge-based companies have produced sulfur separation catalysts in collaboration with two centers of higher learning: Iran University of Science and Technology…
Construction of a new petrochemical plant in Eslamabad-e Gharb County, Kermanshah Province, will begin soon and it is expected that upon completion, it brings about an evolution in the economy,…
The Majlis has passed a law stating that 25% of the value added tax on the electricity bills should go for promoting the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (Satba), director…
With just three days remaining to the expiry of a 30-day US waiver to import Iranian gas and electricity, Iraq will struggle to drum up some $10 billion in investments over a four-year period to…
Jam Petrochemical Company in Asalouyeh in southern Bushehr Province, hit a new record in producing high-density polyethylene last year (ended March 19), director of HDPE production said.
Kuwait said it has started cutting oil output ahead of May 1, the date when suppliers worldwide plan to start slashing production to counter a devastating glut. The fourth-biggest member of…
Electricity consumption surpassed 37,000 megawatts between April 20 and 22 and peaked at 37,500 MW on Wednesday, April 23. According to Barq News website, this was at least 12% higher compared…
A joint Japan-UNDP program to help restore Lake Urmia has entered the next (7th) phase, head of the Wetland Protection Office of the Department of Environment said. “Emphasis of the new phase…
Bandar Abbas Thermal Power Plant is the major source of pollution in Bandar Abbas, capital of southern Hormozgan Province, director general of Hormozgan Provincial Directorate of Department of…
The most ambitious bid to rescue the global oil industry ever seen has been swept aside by a brutal wave of demand destruction. Less than two weeks ago, the world’s biggest oil producers -- in…
Oil prices continued to plummet Wednesday as concerns over limp demand and limited remaining storage capacity lingered. International benchmark Brent crude futures plunged 14% to $16.55 per…
The national power distribution and transmission infrastructure is expanding in tandem with rising capacity that has reached 84 gigawatts. According to the Energy Ministry news portal,…
US oil futures traded in negative territory on Tuesday, after sinking nearly $40 the previous session in their first ever dive below zero, as concern grew the sector will run out of storage for…
Programs are underway to increase output from South Pars Gas Field phases 20 and 21. Work is expected to be completed in the second half of this year, managing director of the 8th South Pars…
The renewable-energy industry could create more than a million jobs a year if countries invest enough to meet their target for cutting global carbon emissions, according to an advocacy…
Crude oil futures fell on Monday, with US futures touching levels not seen since 1999, extending weakness on the back of sliding demand and concerns that US storage facilities will soon fill to…
Iraq plans to study using Kurdish natural gas for power generation, the country's oil minister said on Sunday, allowing OPEC's second-largest oil producer to plug the gas deficit and power…
Bid Boland Gas Refinery in southern Khuzestan Province has taken the lead in promoting environment-friendly practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the managing director of the plant said…
Researchers and engineers at the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology have designed and manufactured a biomass downdraft gasifier. After acquiring technical knowhow and…
An estimated 800 companies active in manufacturing oil/gas equipment are facing insolvency due to the huge economic impact of the coronavirus, head of the Iranian Oil Equipment Manufacturers'…
Crude prices in America’s oil capital are getting dangerously close to zero. Buyers bidding for crude in Texas, the birthplace of the shale revolution, are offering as little as $2 a barrel for…
While hydroelectric power plants in Tehran Province set a record last year, these are expected to have normal output this year, head of hydropower installations at Tehran Regional Electricity…