
Academia Help Produce Sulfur Removal Catalysts

Academia Help Produce Sulfur Removal Catalysts
Academia Help Produce Sulfur Removal Catalysts

Researchers in tech firms and knowledge-based companies have produced sulfur separation catalysts in collaboration with two centers of higher learning: Iran University of Science and Technology and Iran School of Chemical Engineering in Tehran.
The nanomaterial-based catalysts are among commonly used compounds in petrochemical and natural gas refineries to remove corrosive chemicals like hydrogen disulfide, ISNA reported.
The nanocatalysts namely ‘conversion claus catalyst”, ‘hydrolysis claus catalyst’ and ‘oxygen scavenging type’ are being used in several gas refineries including Ilam (in western Ilam Province), Hasheminejad (Khorasan Razavi Province) and South Pars refineries (Bushehr Province).


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