
Thermal Power Responsible For Pollution in Bandar Abbas

Thermal Power Responsible For Pollution in Bandar Abbas
Thermal Power Responsible For Pollution in Bandar Abbas

Bandar Abbas Thermal Power Plant is the major source of pollution in Bandar Abbas, capital of southern Hormozgan Province, director general of Hormozgan Provincial Directorate of Department of Environment said.
“The plant is expected to reduce emissions this year when it receives higher levels of natural gas,” Bargh News reported Habib Masihi as saying.
The largest power plant in the south, the station is responsible for supplying 60% of the province's electricity.
Basically gas-fired, this power station has a nominal capacity of 1,320 megawatts. To operate at full capacity, it needs 6 million cubic meters of natural gas per day as feedstock; however, it barely receives 25% of this amount.


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