Deputy governor of East Azarbaijan Province, Davood Behboudi, says the province has great industrial and mineral capacity, holding 1% of the global copper reserves, Mehr News Agency reported.
Business And Markets
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- Business-And-Markets
While the prevailing recession in the construction sector has negatively impacted the market for housing-dependant industries such as construction materials and equipment, increased concern among…
Business-And-MarketsMore than 65 percent of companies listed at the Tehran Stock Exchange underperformed, and pushed the TEDPIX to notch a fresh retreat on Saturday trading.
Business-And-MarketsAccording to the minister of industry, mine, and trade, the preliminary examinations have been carried out to set up a joint industrial complex with Turkey in East or West Azarbaijan Province,…
Business-And-MarketsExperts believe the housing market, hit by the recession over the past two years, will eventually receive an impetus, as the Money and Credit Council raised the mortgage ceiling on May 19.
Business-And-MarketsI ran’s financial services are struggling to make a profit with brokers having seen their margins fall due to low trading volume. The government has recently stepped in but its involvement is…
Business-And-MarketsCapital market experts have discussed the structure of the newly-established “construction funds” in a gathering held in Tehran at the initiative of Lotus Parsian Investment Bank, the Securities…
Business-And-MarketsWhile there is ample evidence that banks play favorites when it comes to granting loans to customers, this may not fully explain the scarcity of loans for most applicants in desperate need of…
Business-And-MarketsAccording to the head of the Iranian Mining Engineering Organization, more than 80% of mines with more than 25 workers lack independent safety officers, which is in violation of safety regulations…
Business-And-MarketsThe country's biggest glass production line was inaugurated by President Hassan Rouhani in the northwestern industrial city of Tabriz on Thursday, IRNA reported.
Business-And-MarketsMore than 3,743 million securities changed hands worth around $807 million at Iran Fara Bourse during the month that ended May 21, IFB public relations reported.
Business-And-MarketsWhile only €14 million out of the €1.8-billion finance pledged by China has so far been injected into the major national steel plants, known as the Seven Provincial Steel Projects, many experts…
Business-And-MarketsMore than 512,300 metric tons of commodities valued at about $211 million were traded at the Iran Mercantile Exchange’s spot market in the week ended May 20, indicating nearly 36% and 23% increase…
Business-And-MarketsThe Tehran Stock Exchange overall index wrapped up the week after a bumpy ride with tiny gains, however, intensifying tensions in the region, ambiguities sorrounding the lingering sanctions over…
Business-And-MarketsEstablishing investment funds can pave the way for an array of new leasing bonds, the use of which is gaining in popularity in the capital market compared with other methods of funding, SENA…
Business-And-MarketsAccording to Minister of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare, Ali Rabi'ie, last Iranian calendar year (ended March 20), mining accidents decreased by 40% compared to the previous year, IRNA…
Business-And-MarketsStocks waxed and waned on Wednesday, with indices swinging between gains and losses, however the bumpy ride at the Tehran Stock Exchange was accompanied by the benchmark settling in green.
Business-And-MarketsGolgohar Mining and Industrial Company offered 100,000 tons of granulated iron ore, priced at $33 per metric ton, on the Iran Mercantile Exchange export trading floor on Wednesday.
Business-And-MarketsThe agriculture sector is constantly looking for innovative and modern techniques to increase crop efficiency and produce high quality and safe food, feed, and fiber at affordable prices. Recently…
Business-And-MarketsDeputy minister of industry, mine, and trade, Mohsen Salehinia, says the cement sector is to increase the annual production to 90 million metric tons this Iranian calendar year (started March 21…
Business-And-MarketsIranian lawmakers have passed an interest-free motion that would further regulate banking and monetary operations, IRNA reported on Wednesday. “The banking and monetary operations should be…
Business-And-MarketsThe central bank’s capping of interest rates will increase rent-seeking and corruption, and also waste the banking system’s resources, as seen several times in the past, a prominent economist told…
Business-And-MarketsThe Money and Credit Council on Tuesday agreed to raise the ceiling of mortgage loans after months of debating to help the housing market out of recession by stimulating demand. All private and…
Business-And-MarketsUncertified financial institutions have come under unprecedented fire from the Central Bank of Iran and other government officials in recent months.
Business-And-MarketsIran’s e-check system, Chekavak, will go online nationwide on May 26. The new system is aimed at reducing the number of bounced checks and making transactions more secure, the Central Bank of Iran…