World Economy

Pak Trade Deficit Shrinks

Pak Trade Deficit Shrinks
Pak Trade Deficit Shrinks

Pakistan’s trade deficit during first four months of the current fiscal year declined by 12.15% as compared to July-October (2014-15), AAP reported. According to data revealed by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the deficit decreased from $8.76 billion in July-October (2014-15) to $7.69 billion in July-October (2015-16). The exports of the country decreased by 13.42% from $7.95 billion in first four months of the current fiscal year to $6.88 billion in same period of last year. The imports during the same period also witnessed a decrease of 12.76% which were recorded $14.58 billion in July-October (2015-16) as compared to that of $16.71 billion in same period of last year.