World Economy

Lifan Coupons for Russia

Lifan Coupons for Russia
Lifan Coupons for Russia

China’s biggest online trading platform AliExpress plans to sell cars in Russia, according to Mark Zavadsky, AliExpress Business Development Director in Russia and the CIS, RT reported. “We will start with selling coupons, and plan to establish the direct sale of cars in the future,” Zavadsky told journalists on Monday. He didn’t specify when the company plans to start car sales, saying that the details were being discussed. AliExpress will sell coupons worth about $16 (1,000 rubles) that give discounts for Lifan Motors automobiles that can total $160. “We will analyze the results and decide which coupons are better for sale, so that they could be interesting to our customers. The coupons might be exchanged for cash,” Zavadsky said.  He added that the company also plans to sell spare parts and accessories for Lifan cars. According to Lifan Motors, their cars can currently be purchased with coupons only through authorized dealers.