Economy, Business And Markets

Polymers Dominate IME

Polymers Dominate IME
Polymers Dominate IME

Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME)’s oil and petrochemical trading floor played host to almost 60 grades of various polymers on Tuesday trading, IME’s Public Relations and Foreign Affairs Office Reported. Close to 72,222 tons of different polymers, and various grades of polyethylene (ABS & SBR), PVC, polystyrene, and polypropylene were among the commodities offered to customers there. In addition, 42,000 tons of various grades of bitumen, 2,000 tons of slap wax, and 1,500 tons of sulfur were offered on the same floor. Also, 113,500 tons of bitumen, as well as 500 tons of roof insulation were offered on the export trading floor. The agricultural trading floor played host to 2,000 tons of frozen chicken. In total, around 225,000 tons of commodities were supplied on IME’s spot market.