Art And Culture

Music Duet at Tehran Museum

Music Duet at Tehran Museum
Music Duet at Tehran Museum

A joint music project ‘Limited Access 6’, by Iranian and German musicians was staged at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art’s New Media Society from February 18 to 20.

Young German musician and sound artist Leonie Roessler accompanied by local artist Sohrab Motabar performed an impromptu “spectra duet” titled ‘Roessler-Motabar’, “composed of elements of the outside world and abstract sounds,” ILNA reported.

The piece was presented through three different audio sources: classic guitar by Roessler, electronic performance of oval or glitch sounds, a German-origin electric music style by Motabar and field-recorded sound track by Roessler.

Roessler is also conducting a field-recording workshop in collaboration with Motabar in Isfahan Province in collaboration with Tehran’s Aknoon Gallery.

Soon after, German freelance radio-producer, performer, writer and musician, Ulrike Ertl will hold a radio workshop ‘Instant Portraits’ in collaboration with guest artists including Motabar and other sound artists from Iran.

Spectra duets are focused on live electronic and electro-acoustic improvised performances. Such pieces, with complex or simple forms, have always highlighted psycho-acoustic and auditory cognizance. Spectra pieces absorb the audience in a world of abstract, less-heard melodies.

Sohrab Motabar, 31, started his career by playing electric guitar in Iranian local rock bands. He graduated from the Royal Conservatory of the Hague in 2014 and is currently studying at the Institute of Sonology in the Netherlands in master’s program. He has held many performances in Tehran titled ‘Tadaex’ (2012) and ‘’ (2014).