4.5 Tons of Caviar Exported Last Year

4.5 Tons of Caviar Exported Last Year
4.5 Tons of Caviar Exported Last Year

Of the 12 tons of caviar produced in Iran in the year ending March 2021, 4.5 tons worth $6 million were exported, Isa Golshahi, an official with Iran Fisheries Organization, said.
“In addition 3,500 tons of sturgeon meat was produced last year of which 1,000 tons worth $10 million was exported,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA.   
Forty-five percent of Iran’s caviar output is exported and rest is used locally as nutritional food and in cosmetics products, the Golshahi said.  
He elaborated that almost 65% of Iran’s caviar is purchased by European companies. “Russia is one of the biggest customers of Iran’s sturgeon meat.


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