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Central Bank of Iran Sanctions Expose New Signs of US Desperation

Central Bank of Iran Sanctions Expose New Signs of US Desperation
Central Bank of Iran Sanctions Expose New Signs of US Desperation

Senior bank and government officials have belittled the new US sanctions imposed Friday on Iran’s central bank, unanimously branding the move as a visible sign of desperation by Donald Trump and his minions. 
Governor of Central Bank of Iran Abdolnasser Hemmati  responded to the latest round of US animosity and said, “Iran’s economy has already demonstrated its resiliency against sanctions.”
The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on Friday announced new sanctions on the CBI, the National Development Fund of Iran - the country’s sovereign wealth fund - and Etemad Tejarate Pars Company under its so-called ‘counterterrorism authority.
The provocative move is seen as US retaliation for last weekend’s drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil installations, for which Washington has blamed Iran. 


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