Domestic Economy

Growth Returns to Iran’s Non-Oil Sector in Q1

The first three months of current Iranian year (started March 21) saw the non-oil sector, which is the productive sector of the economy, grow 0.4% compared with the corresponding period of last year
Growth Returns to Iran’s Non-Oil Sector in Q1
Growth Returns to Iran’s Non-Oil Sector in Q1

Growth has returned to Iran's non-oil sector, says Central Bank of Iran's Governor Abdolnasser Hammati.
"The first three months of the year [13]98 [the current Iranian year that started on March 21], saw the non-oil sector, which is the productive sector of the economy, grow 0.4% compared with the corresponding period of [13]97 [last Iranian year]," the CBI chief wrote in a piece published on the central bank's website.
"Although this growth is well below the potential capacity, considering the negative growth rates of the three preceding quarters and the beginning of deflation, it's a cause for hope," he added.


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