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Iran E-Commerce Market Worth Over $18 Billion

Auto & Tech Desk
In the fiscal 2018-19, the nominal value of Iran’s e-commerce market grew 30.5% and reached 2.08 quadrillion rials ($18.4 billion) from 1.594 quadrillion rials ($14.08 billion) a year earlier
Iran E-Commerce Market Worth Over $18 Billion
Iran E-Commerce Market Worth Over $18 Billion

E-commerce accounts for 10.4% of Iran’s GDP with the market’s nominal value standing at 2.08 quadrillion rials ($18.4 billion), E-Commerce Development Center of Iran reports.
The center has released its annual report for the fiscal year that ended March 2019, which indicates that the nominal value of Iran’s e-commerce market has grown 30.5% to reach 2.08 quadrillion rials ($18.4 billion) from 1.59 quadrillion rials ($14.08 billion) in the fiscal 2017-18.
The report further states that the market’s real value stood at 6.1 quadrillion rials ($54 billion) for the fiscal 2018-19, down 13% compared with the same period of a year earlier.


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