Business And Markets

Partnership Loans Attractive

Loans for “sale on installments” were the second most attractive loans for applicants during this period. Banks granted 3,878 trillion rials ($34 billion) in installment sale loans, accounting for 29% of all loans
Partnership Loans Attractive
Partnership Loans Attractive

Data about loans given by banks and credit institutions based on different Islamic banking contracts show “partnership loans” had the biggest share by the end of the third quarter of the present fiscal year on June 21. 
A report on the official website of Central Bank of Iran shows lenders granted loans worth 13,336 trillion rials ($116.9 billion) under different Islamic contracts.  
The figure indicates a growth of 2.6% compared to the end of last fiscal year that ended in March. 
Data shows partnership contracts held the lion’s share of loans during the period. The total lending based on partnership contracts amounted to 4,071 trillion rials ($35.7 billion) or 30% of all loans. 


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