
Improvement of Public Transportation Prioritized

Improvement of Public Transportation Prioritized
Improvement of Public Transportation Prioritized

Providing people with decent public transportation services is of high importance for cities worldwide and there is much room for improvement in Iran, a senior urban manager says. 
During a Sunday meeting with provincial urban managers, Hossein Rajab-Salahi, director general of Urban Rail Transportation Bureau of Iran’s Urban and Rural Municipalities Organization affiliated to the Interior Ministry, said a large part of the country’s public transportation system is dilapidated and ready to be phased out, YJC reported.
“Based on the latest data, there are 320,000 urban cabs currently operating across the country, over half of which will be considered dilapidated by the end of the current Iranian year [March 2020]. In six months, 190,000 taxis will be ready to head for the scrap-yard," he said. 


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