Sci & Tech

New Innovation Factories to Help Support Knowledge-Based Firms in Iran

Ardabil and Yazd provinces will soon house technology centers that will boost the growth of fledgling and developed startups and knowledge-based companies
New Innovation Factories to Help Support Knowledge-Based Firms in Iran
New Innovation Factories to Help Support Knowledge-Based Firms in Iran

More innovation centers have been set up in Iranian metropolises over the past few years, in line with effort to support startups and knowledge-based companies.
Most recently, tech authorities in Ardabil started work for establishing an innovation factory in the northwestern province.
Habib Ebrahimpour, the director of a science and technology park in the city, said preliminary studies have been initiated for the project and a team of experts is working to identify a suitable venue and prepare the factory’s building design, Tasnim reported.
"The project is to be financed by the private sector," he said.
Referring to the increasing activities of technology companies in the province, Ebrahimpour said young talented tech teams, startups and knowledge-based companies, along with accelerators and investment units, can be gathered in an integrated center.
“The factory will be specialized in agriculture, urban construction, tourism and leather industry,” he said.


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