
Car Prices and Twisted Narratives

Auto & Tech Desk
Seldom a day passes without flashy titles like “Car Prices Plummeting by the Hour” decorating the home pages of news outlets, which contradict the ground realities
Car Prices and Twisted Narratives
Car Prices and Twisted Narratives

It has been a month since Iranian e-commerce websites were barred from listing car prices. And now a section of local news outlets are reporting a “noticeable decline” in demand and prices, a claim which goes against the ground realities.
Following a sharp surge in car prices, the government and the judiciary pressured online sales websites like Divar, Sheypoor and Bama to stop listing car prices. Subsequently, certain media outlets began chanting the mantra of “tumbling car prices”. 
Curiously, however, in the same stories, they contradict themselves by saying, “Racketeering dealers are pushing hard to prevent car prices from declining.”


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