
CNG-Hybrid Output Declines in Iran Despite Increasing Demand

The production of CNG-hybrids has nosedived in Iran while demand for such vehicles is soaring in the country
CNG-Hybrid Output Declines in Iran Despite Increasing Demand
CNG-Hybrid Output Declines in Iran Despite Increasing Demand

With rumors circulating on social media that sooner or later the Iranian government will be forced to increase fuel prices and start rationing gasoline, demand for CNG-hybrid vehicles has soared. 
However, the production of such vehicles has been on a downward trajectory for long.
Over the past few years, Iranian officials have touted CNG-hybrids as a cleaner substitute for gasoline-powered cars and said the increasing promotion of such vehicles is part of their solution for curbing gasoline consumption.
However, data from the Industries Ministry show that in the past fiscal year that ended in March 2019, 42,994 CNG-hybrids were manufactured in Iran, 58% lower than the previous year’s production figures.


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