Business And Markets

Iranian Partner of INSTEX Registered Officially

INSTEX Partner Registered Officially
INSTEX Partner Registered Officially

A mirror Iranian company has been founded to partner with the European trade mechanism, known as Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX). 
The Special Trade and Finance Institute (STFI), was officially registered as a private company based in Tehran. It is the reciprocal entity of INSTEX . 
According to notice released by the institute, the board of directors of the company comprises representatives of legal entities, including Refah Kargaran Bank - affiliated to the Cooperatives Ministry, Agriculture Bank of Iran, Bank Pasragad, and Fardis Gostar Kish Informatics Services Company affiliated to the Informatics Services Corporation.   
ISC is affiliated to the Central Bank of Iran and specializes in designing and developing banking and payment systems and digital banking equipment. 


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