Sci & Tech

For Iran Hipsters: Smartphone Craze Was

Auto & Tech Desk
Taking the subway, especially in the classy northern quarters in Tehran, or hitting cafés frequented by millennials and hipsters, you see people brandishing the latest iPhone Xs Max
For Iran Hipsters: Smartphone Craze Was - Opinion
For Iran Hipsters: Smartphone Craze Was - Opinion

If you have an eye for smartphones, walking on the streets of Tehran or other Iranian cities, you will simply not miss Iranians pretty well-versed in the workings of smart gadgets and handsets.
Without exception, barely a few days after any major international tech firm unveils a new mobile phone, you can find a sample in Tehran’s market.
Taking the subway, especially in the classy northern districts in the capital, or hitting cafés frequented by millennials and hipsters, you see someone brandishing the latest iPhone Xs Max.
Over the past years in most countries having a high-end handset has become a vogue for many for looking up-to-date, fashionable and smart. Iran is no exception.


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