Business And Markets

Iran's Capital Market Outperforms Other Sectors

Capital Market Outperforms Other Sectors
Capital Market Outperforms Other Sectors

A report by Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture says the value of equities traded in the capital market during first ten months of the current Iranian fiscal to January 20 grew 181%.  
The report presented data based on the base figure of 100 points in the year 2016-17 (2016-17=100). Accordingly, the value of traded equities dropped to 91.4 in the first ten months of the previous fiscal (2017-18) and jumped to 256.8 during the same period in the current fiscal. 
During the period under review the index for number of shares also rose to 200.2 (based on 2016-17=100) in the current fiscal to register 132.3% annual growth. 


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