
Latest Crimes Expose Israel's True Colors

Latest Crimes Expose Israel's True Colors
Latest Crimes Expose Israel's True Colors

The defense minister said Thursday the blood of Hezbollah martyrs has demonstrated the "true colors of the Zionist regime and their takfiri accomplices.

On the sidelines of a ceremony commemorating the martyrs at the Hezbollah office in Tehran,  Hossein Dehqan said "Today the resistance has sacrificed more of its children. Their blood, besides reinforcing the resistance, has once again exposed the true nature of the Zionist regime and their takfiri accomplices," Tasnim news agency reported.

Takfiris are ultra-extremist Muslims who accuse other Muslims of being unbelievers.

Referring to the pattern of aggressions and crimes of the US-backed occupying power, he said, "The resistance (movement in Lebanon) was born in 1982 after the Zionist occupation of Beirut, the Lebanese capital, and today it has turned into an honor for the Muslim World." The defense chief recalled that "the Zionists have consistently tried to destroy the resistance, but were always defeated, particularly in the 2006 bloody war in Lebanon that has since come to be known as the 33-Day War."

  IRGC Response

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) deputy commander warned the Zionists to be prepared for "destructive responses" from the Guard after the recent air attacks by Israel on senior Hezbollah members inside Syria. Brigadier General Hossein Salami made the remark on the sidelines of a joint meeting between the Iranian and Omani National Defense College members on Thursday.

When asked about the possible Iranian response to Israeli state-sponsored terrorism in the Golan Heights on Sunday, he told the reporters, "This action (of the Zionists) indeed reflects their recurring defeat and desperation in Syria and Iraq."

An Israeli air strike killed six members of the Hezbollah in the Syrian sector of the Golan Heights on January 18, among them were the son of a late military chief of the resistance movement, Jihad Moughnieh and at least one Iranian commander.