
Solar Power Expanding Footprint in Qom

Solar Power Expanding Footprint in Qom
Solar Power Expanding Footprint in Qom

Construction of a 100 kilowatt solar power plant has started in Qom Province, managing director of Qom Water and Wastewater Company said.

“Built on a 1,500-square meter land, the project will cost $60,000,” Ali Jan Sadeqpour said, adding that domestically made  panels will be used in the construction of the plant in line with the national policy to support domestic industries and create jobs, ISNA reported.
Sadeqpour said when the plant comes on stream, in about a year, it can annually generate 176,000 kw/h of electricity and help prevent emission of 9300 tons of carbon dioxide per year -- which would be produced if the same amount of energy was generated by a thermal power plant.
Located on the fringes of the central desert in Iran and having a dry climate, Qom has high potential to expand its photovoltaic power output. 


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