
Water Desalination Set for Massive Growth in Iran

A total of 56 desalination projects with a capacity to process 78 mcm of saline water will be operational soon and 17 more facilities are under construction that will produce another 70 mcm
Water Desalination Set for Massive Growth in Iran
Water Desalination Set for Massive Growth in Iran

Years of drought have left decision-makers with little option but to meet a bigger share of freshwater need for the growing population from seawater, said the deputy for supervising operations at the National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company of Iran on Thursday.

Hamidreza Kashfi was speaking in a meeting with experts on water desalination on the sidelines of the 14th International Water and Wastewater Exhibition at Tehran International Permanent Fairground, October 3-6.
At present, there are 73 desalination plants in different regions with a capacity of processing 420,000 cubic meters of saline water per day, and 148 million cubic meters per annum.


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