Economy, Business And Markets

Central Bank of Iran: Currency Inflow Growing Steadily

CBI officials have good coordination with the Association of Bureaux de Change Operators of Iran and they plan to facilitate hard currency trade in exchange houses
CBI: Currency Inflow Growing Steadily
CBI: Currency Inflow Growing Steadily
The CBI chief said over 80% of the currency offered on Nima have come from petrochemical firms with the remaining non-oil exporters accounting for less that 20% of the injected currency

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran said on Saturday that since his bank allowed the import of hard currency by money exchange houses and other legal and natural persons, the inflow has been growing steadily.  
Abdolnasser Hemmati added that CBI is also keeping a watch on the market and will inject its own hard currency in case of a shortfall, the state TV reported on its news website. 
“CBI officials have good coordination with the Association of Bureaux de Change Operators of Iran and they plan to facilitate hard currency trade in exchange houses,” he said. 


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I thought Iranian government has banned US Dollar to other currencies like Euro, then the question is, why you guys still show one Dollar bills on above picture rather Euro or any other currencies? Irani always is Irani! He eats bread on daily prices; from Mosadegh to present- it is not the country that has problems- it is its people who never accept their mistakes. Until then.

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