Art And Culture

Macan Band Concert in Kish

Macan Band Concert in Kish
Macan Band Concert in Kish

Macan Band will perform September 8 on southern Kish Island.

The celebrated pop music group will stage a midnight concert at the Persian Gulf tourist island’s City Hall with selected songs.

Pieces to be sung include “Be on My Side,” “These Streets” and “Don’t Go” among others, Afkar News reported.

Ali Almasi will be on the electric guitar, Majid Atrli will come with his bass guitar, Soheyl Abazari plays keyboard, Ahmad Abbasnia is on drum and Yashar Khosravi plays the saxophone.

Singers Roham Hadian and Amir Maqareh. Anoushirvan Taqavi will sing with them and play the Spanish guitar. Mehran Farshbaf plays percussion and Amir-Milad Nikzad, arranger of the pieces, will conduct the band.

City Hall is located on Sanai Blvd., near Sahel Square. Tickets to the concert are available at


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