
Tabriz Refinery Plans to Boost Euro-4 Gasoline Production

Tabriz Refinery Plans to Boost Euro-4 Gasoline Production
Tabriz Refinery Plans to Boost Euro-4 Gasoline Production

Tabriz Oil Refinery in East Azarbaijan Province produces 5.3 million liters of gasoline per day, of which 50% meet Euro-4 standards, managing director of the refinery said. "The refinery's total output amounts to 5.5 million tons per year, 90% of which are converted to a wide range of fuels, namely gasoline, diesel, kerosene and mazut," Gholamreza Baqeri was also quoted as saying by the refinery's news portal on Sunday. 
According to the official, the complex started to produce Euro-4 gasoline in July, currently at 2.6 million liters per day, and plans are in place to increase the output by the end of the current fiscal in March 2019.
Giving a breakdown, he added that the plant's diesel, kerosene and mazut production stands at 6, 1 and 4 million liters per day respectively. 


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