Economy, Business And Markets

281 Km of New Freeways by March 2019

281 Km of New Freeways by March 2019
281 Km of New Freeways by March 2019

About 7,800 kilometers of freeways are under construction in Iran, 281 kilometers of which are expected to come on stream by the end of the current fiscal year (March 20, 2019), a deputy roads and urban development minister said. “More than 5,000 heavy machines are being used in the construction of highways. These projects have created some 15,000 jobs,” Kheirollah Khademi was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. Khademi, who doubles as the CEO of Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructures Company, added that at present, more than 17,000 kilometers of freeways are fully operational in Iran. 


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