Art And Culture

Role of Iranologists Stressed in Global Friendship

Role of Iranologists Stressed in Global Friendship
Role of Iranologists Stressed in Global Friendship

Eleven Iranologists from Bulgaria, Poland, and Russia are attending the 10th conference on Iranology underway at the Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU) in Tehran.

At the outset of the conference, Ghahreman Soleimani, educational and cultural deputy at the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO) described the present situation of humanity “as being exposed to intense suffering and pain, imposed in the name of religion and freedom,” Artna news agency reported.

“The only ones who can save mankind from the present situation are intellectuals and scholars,” he said, adding that Iranologists are a part of the intellectual community, who not only undertake scientific activities, but also try to enhance empathy, companionship, friendship, and love amongst nations.

Iranologists have a critical responsibility to enhance Iran’s culture and civilization globally, he said, noting that “lack of cultural familiarity among nations can give rise to numerous problems.”  

As “cultural ambassadors,” they play a significant role in creating awareness about Iran vis-a -vis other nations.  

Describing Iran as an influential country in the Middle East region, the official pointed out that neighboring countries need to come to a better understanding of Iran in order to understand what is really going on in the region. To do so, it is necessary for them to be presented with “a realistic cultural portrait of the country, certainly different from the image projected by the Western media of oil and nuclear debates.”

 Cultural Portrait

“Iran’s cultural portrait has not been made overnight,” Soleimani said, adding that it is the result of efforts made by scholars throughout history.

Iran studies have quite a history in Eastern Europe “as there are long-established faculties offering Iranology courses in the universities there.” He also said that Iran studies can be traced in South American nations.

Foreign Iranologists taking part in the event spoke about their enthusiasm for Iran and read poems from famous Iranian poets like Ferdowsi, Hafiz, Khayyam, Saadi, and Sohrab Sepehri. Iran is their “second homeland,” some of them said.

The foreign guests will also visit cultural sites in a bid to get a better understanding and knowledge about Iran, said Soleimani.

The conference opened on January 4 and will conclude on January 20. The event is jointly organized by the Center for Development of Academic and Scientific Cooperation of the Iranology Foundation and ATU.