Economy, Business And Markets

Iran’s EMS Starts Operating 6 New Airbus Air Ambulances

Iran’s EMS Starts Operating 6 New Airbus Air Ambulances
Iran’s EMS Starts Operating 6 New Airbus Air Ambulances

Six newly-purchased Airbus air ambulances (BK 117-C2), all purchased after the lifting of nuclear-related sanctions, officially joined Iran’s Emergency Medical Services’ fleet, marking the beginning of a new era for air medical services in the country. 
“These helicopters were purchased after two years of negotiations … We expect the delivery of six more choppers in the near future,” Health Minister Hassan Qazizadeh Hashemi said during a ceremony held for unveiling new ambulances in Karaj City’s Payam Airport on Saturday. 
“We still need 40 more air ambulances … I hope we face no problem for purchasing them in the next five years,” the ministry’s website quoted Hashemi as saying. 
The minister thanked the team of nuclear negotiators for helping improve the quality of EMS services in the country. 


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