Domestic Economy

$2.3b Chinese Deal Finalized for Iranian Rail Project

The Chinese side has agreed to finance the project, which is 550 kilometers long and passes through Gorgan, Shirvan, Qouchan and Mashhad, connecting these cities in northeast Iran to one another and to the national railroad network
$2.3b Chinese Deal Finalized for Northeastern Rail Project
$2.3b Chinese Deal Finalized for Northeastern Rail Project
If the financial commitments are fulfilled, the project will come on stream within five years

The finance and construction contract for Gorgan-Bojnord-Mashhad Railroad worth 100 trillion rials ($2.38 billion) was finalized between Iran’s Ghods Razavi Housing and Construction Company and a Chinese company last week.
Deputy Roads and Urban Development Minister Kheirollah Khademi, however, did not reveal the name of the Chinese company, ISNA reported on Friday. 
“The Chinese side has agreed to finance the project, which is 550 kilometers long and passes through Gorgan, Shirvan, Qouchan and Mashhad to name a few, connecting these cities in northeast Iran to one another and to the national railroad network,” said Khademi, who also serves as the CEO of Iran’s Transportation Infrastructure Construction and Development Company.


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