Economy, Sci & Tech

Telegram Communications Slow Down in Iran

According to authorities, since Telegram has failed to comply with local rules, operation of its CDNs in Iran is deemed illegal.
According to authorities, since Telegram has failed to comply with local rules, operation of its CDNs in Iran is deemed illegal.

Since Thursday Iranian Telegram users have been experiencing slower communications via the app which according to authorities is due to shutdown of the messaging service’s Content Delivery Network in Iran.
According to public relations manager of Iran High Council of Cyberspace, in view of recently issued regulations and Telegram’s noncompliance with them, the messenger’s permit for operating a CDN in Iran has been terminated.
Mohammad Hosseinpour says, “Since Telegram has failed to comply with [local] rules, operation of its CDNs in Iran have been deemed illegal.”
Telegram has never acknowledged installing a Content Delivery Network in the country.


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