
Tehran's 4 Major Museums to Collect Entire Earnings

Tehran's 4 Major Museums to Collect Entire Earnings
Tehran's 4 Major Museums to Collect Entire Earnings

With parliamentary approval and as part of the directives of the Sixth Five-Year Development Plan (2016-2021), Tehran's four major museum complexes will collect 100% of their revenues following efforts by Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. 
Niavaran, Sa'adabad and Golestan palace complexes and the National Museum of Iran will now receive their whole earnings without offering a percentage to the government's funds as before.  According to Mohammad Reza Kargar, director for museum affairs at ICHHTO, plans are underway to adopt the same regulation for all museums nationwide. 
"To have other museums gain their own revenues in full, a board of trustees should be formed with an account to which the earnings can be deposited," he said, ISNA reported. 
Formerly, the earnings of museums used to be added to the  state revenues and an amount of between 60% and 70% were eventually paid back to them. 


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