Economy, Sci & Tech

International RoboCup Winds Up in Tehran

International RoboCup Winds Up in Tehran
International RoboCup Winds Up in Tehran

School and university students from local and foreign institutions competed in the 13th RoboCup Iran Open competitions held at the Tehran Permanent International Fairground from April 3 to 7.
The annual competitions are a chance for participating teams to show off achievements in areas of artificial intelligence and robotics. The event was organized by Iranian RoboCup Regional Committee, Qazvin Islamic Azad University and Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology, reported the event’s website.  
Morteza Mousakhani, head of the RoboCup Iran Open Competitions committee, says 440 local teams and 38 foreign teams from 11 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, South Korea, Turkey, China, the Netherlands, Singapore and Germany, competed in this year’s contests.
At the opening ceremony last week, Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari, called for a major revision of policy to help young robotics experts find jobs and outlets for their work.


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