
Israel's Occupation of Palestine Not "Sustainable"

Israel's Occupation of Palestine Not "Sustainable"
Israel's Occupation of Palestine Not "Sustainable"

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the occupying regime of Israel would not last long, lashing back at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who again accused Iran of destabilizing the region.
"Despite Netanyahu's claims, the fact is that illegal occupation lies at the heart of most of the calamities in our region. Historically, occupying another's land has never been sustainable. This occupation, too—and the apartheid system that perpetuates it—will not last long," Zarif said in a Twitter message on Tuesday.
Netanyahu took aim at Iran in his address to the annual pro-Israel AIPAC policy conference in Washington, claiming the Islamic Republic is responsible for "darkness descending" on the Middle East by building an anti-Israel bloc.


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