Economy, Sci & Tech

Iran Government to Lower Laptop Tariffs

Iran Government to Lower Laptop Tariffs
Iran Government to Lower Laptop Tariffs

Following private sector pressure and a rise in public demand, import tariffs on laptops will be reduced to 5% in the coming months, the head of Tehran’s Information Technology Union announced. Mehdi Mir-Mehdi Komijani added that laptop tariffs, which were increased in the past four years from 5% to 15%, will return to the original rate by late March, ISNA reported. Komijani believes the measure will have an impact on the market by April, adding that the decision awaits the Cabinet’s approval. Laptop tariffs were increased by the Industries Ministry in two phases: from 5% to 10% and later to 15%. Earlier last week, Iran's Information and Communication Technology Guild Organization provided the government with statistics showing that higher tariffs reduced laptop imports through legal means, as large firms exited the business on the grounds that it was no longer feasible to compete with smugglers.


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